men's health

3 minute read

How it works: Numan's treatment journey

selection of numan men's health products on white table

At Numan, our mission is to encourage and empower men to do something about their health – by equipping them with the knowledge and the tools they need to do so.

We know that men don’t go to the doctor when something’s wrong. Barriers to men’s health-seeking behaviours are complex, but common reasons for men avoiding seeing a doctor include the need to “be strong and self-reliant”, fear of diagnosis, lack of spare time, and discomfort with intimate exams. 

But not all health issues require an in-person physical exam to be diagnosed, and can be efficiently treated and diagnosed by a health professional through a short online consultation. 

Following an online consultation review by one of our clinicians, Numan members are provided with a repeat prescription as part of their treatment plan. While our members are sent refills of their medication for some conditions, they are in complete control of their subscription, with the ability to pause or cancel their orders at any time. When it comes to healthcare, most people are used to picking up a repeat prescription from their GP if they need ongoing treatment. Our service is no different. 

Many of the conditions that we treat at Numan require ongoing treatment, commitment, and professional support. Erectile dysfunction treatment is not “one size fits all”: often, men need to try different doses of various medications until they find something that works for them. Hair loss treatment requires consistency in order to yield results. Quitting smoking doesn’t happen overnight.

“Taking medicine as prescribed is important for treating conditions and overall long-term health and wellbeing. Conditions such as hair loss require long term consistent treatment, and that means daily medication, to help achieve the best outcome.”

– Dr. Luke Pratsides, Lead GP at Numan

We operate a customer-first model, and our team is dedicated to making sure that every Numan member feels supported, with ongoing advice from healthcare professionals who ensure that all treatment plans are safe and suitable for our patients to take. We provide this support for free, over email, or on the phone.

We also pride ourselves on offering affordable solutions: by creating longer-term healthcare plans with repeat prescriptions dispensed when appropriate, we are able to discount the medication we offer across all subscriptions, putting us at a competitive price point with the added advantage of access to professional medical advice, as and when it is needed.

We aim to remove the pain points in accessing healthcare, making it as simple as possible for men to look after themselves. A big part of this includes providing ongoing support for free, as well as reducing the cost of prescription treatment where we can, and putting our members in the driving seat when it comes to controlling their subscription.
