men's health

3 minute read

7 reasons why you should consider wearing penis sleeves

By Numan Editorial | Medically reviewed by Dr Luke Pratsides
5 penis shaped mountains

Dainis is a certified sex educator and writer at SexualAlpha where he talks about unbiased sex toy reviews, free sex education, and sex tips. 

If you’ve ever looked into male sexual enhancement, you’ve probably heard of a penis sleeve. If not, you might have heard of cock sleeves, penis extenders, external penile prosthetics, or penis sheaths - all of these are different names for a penis sleeve. 

Some penis sleeves work as sex toys, some mitigate erectile dysfunction (ED), and some do both. Essentially, they’re tools that enhance a man’s erection and allow him to function sexually in ways that might be naturally difficult or impossible. 

What is a penis sleeve?

A penis sleeve is a support device made of silicone, latex, rubber, or plastic that you wear over your penis during sex (similar to a condom). It’s designed to improve the functionality of the penis and increase the pleasure experienced by both partners.

This can mean making your penis longer, adding girth, helping you keep an erection, and more. Some penis sleeves have an opening for the tip of your penis, while others are closed. Many have outer or inner textures, such as ribs, that can increase stimulation. Some higher-end sleeves even feature vibration or prostate massagers. 

Wondering if a penis sleeve is right for you? Here are 7 reasons you might want to give it a shot. 

1. Beat erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is a common condition characterised by a man’s inability to get an erection or keep one long enough to have satisfying sex. To some extent, it affects 5–10% of men younger than 40 and roughly 35% of men between the ages of 40 and 70. Many men are afraid to admit that they’ve experienced ED, but in most cases, it’s reversible with treatment. 

If you have ED but aren’t ready to treat it medically, penis sleeves can be a temporary solution. One study found that they can allow men with ED to orgasm; however, it’s important to buy a penis sleeve that’s the right size to maximise stimulation. 

Depending on the model, the penis sleeve can help keep you erect or provide sexual capability if you can’t get erect at all. You can choose a size that will please your partner while enjoying stimulation yourself during intercourse. 

2.  Last longer in bed

One of the intended purposes of the penis sleeve is to treat premature ejaculation. About 1 in 3 men in the U.S. have experienced ejaculations that were sooner than they or their partner desired, which can cause insecurity and make sex less enjoyable. 

Penis sleeves can reduce or alter the sensations you feel during sex, which can prevent you from finishing earlier than you want to. They won’t stop you from feeling pleasure altogether, though, so it’s important to choose a sleeve that gives you the level of stimulation you’re looking for. 

3. Improve pleasure 

Penis sleeves are as much for pleasure as they are for function, and with the right sleeve, you can see improvements in both. A fitted sleeve will give you a tighter sensation during penetrative sex while hitting sensual spots in your partner that you may not have been able to reach before. 

The added girth may also stimulate your partner more than normal, and a vibrating sleeve can take pleasure to the next level for both of you. If you’re curious about the possibilities, take a look for yourself

4. Enjoy more positions

Variety is the spice of life - and sex. Many men want to try new and exciting positions with their partners, but size can be a limiting factor. Slipping out of your partner, or being unable to penetrate at certain angles, can stop you from enjoying sex in different ways.

The typical use for a penis sleeve is to increase a man’s length and/or girth, and those extra inches can help you and your partner enjoy sex in ways that may have been impossible before. 

5. Get solo pleasure

Nearly all men masturbate. It’s a natural and healthy practice, and research suggests that it decreases prostate cancer risk if done frequently. With that in mind, there’s no reason not to make the experience the best it can be. 

Male masturbation sleeves come in all shapes and sizes. Some vibrate, some have unique textures, and some have pump functions that give a sucking sensation. Chances are you’ll be masturbating either way, so why not make it more pleasurable?

6. Increase length

There is no perfect penis size. Each partner you have will have different preferences, and bigger isn’t always better. The only opinion on your penis that matters is your own, so if you aren’t happy with it, change it. 

A study on penile-extender sleeves found that three months of use can extend a man’s penis, on average, nearly 2 centimetres. So if you feel like adding some length to your penis, science has made it possible. 

7. Keep going after you pop

Last but not least, penis sleeves can allow you to continue sex after you’ve achieved orgasm. Certain sleeves function, basically, as hollow dildos. So if your partner needs a few more minutes after you finish, a penis sleeve can make that possible. 

The numan take

Penis sleeves allow a man to experience his sexuality in ways that might not be possible with his natural biology. They can facilitate pleasure for both partners even if a man is experiencing ED and prevent premature ejaculation. 

They’re safe, easy to use, and come in a variety of sizes and customisable styles. With the right penis sleeve, you can try new sexual positions, add vibration or texture, and go for as long as your heart desires. 

A man can be sexually limited by biology, but a penis sleeve removes those limits, builds confidence, and increases pleasure - why not try it?
